
Cristina Dalcomune is a self taught contemporary mixed-media artist. With an amazing intuition and a remarkable color choice coordination, her paintings are ethereal and abstract, yet rooted in the physical world. Strong dualities such as light and dark, the form and the formless, the raw and refined, imply simultaneous existences and worlds integrated. The multi-layered works reveal remnants and themes of a journey and a search.

Using Nature as a language, she interprets both personal and universal experiences and the many cycles of life such as life and death, evolving and devolving, change, rebirth, transformation. Forms, marks and colors come and go through a larger, more expansive world, allowing the viewer to connect to something abstract, yet something very familiar.

Cristina now works and lives in South Beach, Florida. Her paintings have been featured in exhibitions in galleries and cultural centers throughout the United States, including Fine Art Gallery in South Hamptons, New York, Creator connect Art Gallery in Miami, and Art shows in Winwood, Miami. She has been selling her art in several art shows in Florida and New York.